✿ code toolkit ✿ python ✿

spring 2022 agenda

Week 5 — Homework assignment

Due: Wednesday, March 2nd by 8pm

  1. Review this week's lecture notes.
  2. Linear vs. nested looping. Think of this as a small experiment or exercise that does not need to be complex in any way. Create two static compositions (ie, don't use setup() and draw()).

    1. Create a composition using 2 separate loops, ie:

      while conditional:
      while conditional:

      Use these two separate loops to create two different linear repetitions. For example, a horizontal row and a vertical column. What kinds of composition can you represent with this structure?

    2. Create a composition using 2 nested loops, ie:

      while conditional:
        while conditional:

      Use this to create reptition that is not just linear, but two dimensional in some way. For example, maybe you could make a grid. Not a sidewalk, but a checkerboard. Think about the pattern of the nested loop structure and how it causes you to think in this a way like: for each row, create several columns. What kinds of imagery can you represent with this structure? Experiment with using the looping variables, so that with each iteration your shapes might get bigger, smaller, or the changes color (check out lerpColor()). If you add transparency to your color you can make really interesting patterns if your shapes overlap.

  3. Begin to brainstorm for your midterm. Initial planning is due Wednesday, March 9, 8pm.
  4. Continue reading Selections from Matthew Fuller's Software Studies: A Lexicon Read the following 5 sections: "Introduction", "Algorithm", "Code", "Programmability", and "Source Code".

    Your reading response is due on Tuesday March 1 at 8pm